Saturday, January 10, 2009

Conflict of the day

Gaza. Disheartening photos. Families destroyed. Pain and suffering.

I will be the first to admit that I don't have a deep understanding of the never-ending Middle East conflict, so feel free to take potshots at my underdeveloped views. Maybe I'll change my opinion.

I have a bone to pick with both sides of the latest flare-up (clearly too light-sounding a phrase for the people that are suffering).

Israel: You big bully. Why do I get the sense that you keep hiding behing the holocost and use that as leverage to gain unfair advantage? Don't dare say a word against Israel or else you are called anti-semitic. Really? Just because a person doesn't agree with Israeli policy, doesn't mean that that person has anything against Jews. There are many Jews that disagree with Iraeli policy. Didn't you do to the Palestinians what you complained about others doing to you?...displaced the existing residents and treated them like a different class of citizen. And you wonder why people are mad at you?

Of course you want to protect your citizens. Of course you want to be safe. I know many of you have suffered and have lost loved ones over the years. I know that you are under constant threat of attack and want to defend yourselves. But, can't you find a more diplomatic way of doing that rather than being a bully? Why do you let Israeli 'settlers' squat on land that is not yours? Do you condone that? Why do you limit the lives of Palestinians so that they have no hope of a full, free life? Free to work where they want; free to travel. Do you not understand that this breeds anger? Take away hope and what do you have left? They want for their families what we all want. You are breeding terrorists.

Residents of Gaza: First I wish to express my sympathy for the terrible situation in which you find yourselves. My condolences to those who have lost family or friends. I simply cannot have full empathy for what you are going through at the moment, since I am safe and secure in my home with my family. But I am confused. The Western media tells us that you elected Hamas and that Hamas has an objective of eliminating Israel. Do you not want peace? Do you expect Israel to simply stand by as certain factions try to harm Israelis? Many of us in the rest of the world will come to your defense, but not if your elected government's goals are clearly violence and the elimination of another people. Is that what you want for your children? I have read a couple of Palestinian blogs and they never seem to reference Hamas, only the Irsaeli government. Does your government take no responsibility too?

I know, these are harsh words for both sides, from someone who has the luxury of sitting in her comfortable surroundings, with no memories of family taken from her too soon. Clearly my view is too simplistic...but help me understand. I want to understand. I don't want your families to be hurting.

Give your loved ones an extra hug and kiss tonight. Stay safe.




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